skype AndriyWork
time zone GMT+1
Excellent communication, talented, very easy to work with, and nice guy. I can recommend for other people who wish to hire a web developer.
It's Me
I specialize in front-end work of high complexity for web services and products. Have experience in back-end and DataBases. For me, skills of good communication and strong work ethics are necessary for project success.
I build software from the ground up, from start to finish, with specific strength in UI. Always support my team and push the project forward ahead of the competition, that's where I put my 100% effort.
- I worked for more than 3 years in an agile team in a professional environment
- I know how to build a smooth single-page app from the ground up e.g. React
- I’m comfortable building prototypes to help explore or validate new propositions
- I enjoy to co-create and design concepts together with designers and clients
- I strongly believe front-end and back-end code needs to be effectively tested
Relevant Skills
- React web-application development
- TypeScript and JavaScript programming
- Data visualization using React, JavaScript + D3.js, TypeScript
- REST API and GraphQL API integration
- Web development utilizing Node.js with Webpack
- Data structures and algorithms ( data ordering and search )
- PHP and JavaScript Node.js runtime programming
- Google Cloud Firebase Functions development
- Web development utilizing Node.js as a runtime environment
- Database design, management of MySQL and MongoDB
- NGINX / Apache server installation, tunning, and administration
- Server setup based on CentOS and Ubuntu Linux
DevOps, misc
- Agile software development principles and practices
- Software testing and quality assurance
- Deployment to AWS instances
- Work in GIT version control with GitHub and BitBucket
- Deployment and testing with CircleCI
- Development planning by Scrum and Kanban via JIRA and Trello